Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"My most valuable thing."

The most valuable thing in my life when my dad gave me a cell phone and an Ipod player. Not only this things can make me happy and also to be with our great creator and the one give us life, our God. Many things I value most and especially the care and love of my parents, this is the best thing that a parents can give to us. They are my inspiration and my protector and I so thankful for them for bringing me here in a university and supporting me in times of troubles. I’m so thank to God of having this of parents.

And also I value that I have a big God that who always their to guide and give life to us. Yet all this things are true were living by faith, that’s why all I can say God is good all the time. You can call him all the time and you can find comfort and love that never fade. A love that has no end, a love that will last until the rest of our life. God show his goodness by the things that we seen all the time and around, this is the good thing that God show to us everyday and every time.

Even were all sinners our Lord Jesus Christ said: Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you; For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."(Matt 7:7-8) in this verse God show his goodness and merciful.

As a Christian I believe that God is always their to us and I believe that all day in our life, God has a wonderful plan. And I believe he doesn’t want us to fail, and he wants us to become strong and be faithful to him. the best ever gift to my parents is my care and love. This is the only thing that I can give to my parents and the only thing that can make them proud and happy to me. In my whole life I’ve been very dependent to my parents, this is the only way of showing them that I care and love them by sharing the good news about God and let them fell the presents and salvation of our God. I know that God has plan for me and I’m praying that same day my parents will accept the Lord as their personal savior. This is the only best thing that I can show to my parents. That God loves them and He is always their for us to protect. I will give me the wisdom and encouragement, to show them that how much I care and love them with all my heart, with life and strength. And the time has come to show them what is real me and what’s in my heart. And I want to show them that I’ve change, in terms of attitude.

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